Friday, October 18, 2013

The Chainsmokers Interview

This week I had the chance to interview The Chainsmokers. We spoke of things from their recent performance at TomorrowWorld to the drug Molly and how their lives have been since going on tour. So check out the interview below as well as one of my favorite remixes by them "Dreaming". Enjoy!

The one boring question that has to be asked for every DJ duo... How did you guys meet and how did you end up doing what you're doing now? Also, how did you decide on the name "The Chainsmokers"?
We met through a mutual friend who knows us both… Drinking ensued, and the rest is history. As for the name, we honestly don’t have an answer for it… We really need to think up a good story for this one, but we have yet to do so….

What was your goal when you two first began and have your goals changed since then, as you have gotten bigger and bigger?
You know its important to always set goals for oneself and we certainly had them but they were vague and ever changing. Ppl always used to ask us what we hoped to achieve 5 years from now and we always thought it to be a really dumb question because that length time is mammoth. We like to set goals 3-6 months at a time and see them achieved and move on. We could of course say we want to be the next big house music producers with our own distinct sound but that’s vague as well.. Our goal was to make as much progress as we could and maintain and build open becoming the artists we want to be, which also changes a lot. So yes the dreams and ambitions have gotten bigger as time has gone on, but ultimately e want what any one wants, influence, recognition, respect, success and happiness..

One thing I have always wondered with duo or trio DJs is how they put on shows together. When you guys are up there on stage how do you go about working the board together and do you ever have any disagreements on what should be played, how something should be mixed, etc.   
I think this answer varies a lot depending on the artists, their equipment and so on… We def have a great flow when we perform and of course time to time disagree on things but its never a big issue… sometimes one is right and the other isn’t it’s a learning process and you get over it… Ego is the only thing that keeps so many ppl from succeeding and we make a big effort to not let it get in the way of our plans…

EDM music has really boomed over the last few years and keeps growing at an exponentially fast rate. Why do you think it has grown so much so fast and do you believe the genre will continue to become more popular over the years? 
There are probably thousands of reasons for this, but we think a main one is a point Jayz made about it. Dance music while it has been around for a long while, has really become the sound of our generation… and every generation has that sound… So we think in that sense, its become a huge part of culture… Also, technology plays a large role in dance music and the leaps and bounds that have been made from the sounds, shows and production side have opened it up to avenues otherwise never possible…

Some people believe the drug "Molly" is a huge issue at EDM concerts, do you think this will ultimately hurt attendance and affect the popularity of the music if it continues? On top of that, do you believe EDM fans are now being wrongly stereotyped as drug users because of the recent deaths from the drug at concerts and festivals?
Every single type of shows no matter the genre has its stigmas and stereotypes, we aren’t proud of it, but its an inevitable outcome. WDO we think it will hurt attendance, likely, mostly from a permit side, of whether cities and universities want to deal with it. That being said we do think its being blown way out of proportion in many ways, and that’s not to play down the tragic things that have happened but when you look at the size of it all and the number of aweful incidents they are very few…. As for the fans being stereotyped, that’s whatever, You can see PLUR ravers coming in hot looking crazy and we see guys in suits coming to party… Not everyone who goes to a bar is an alcoholic… We think its important to just look past that all… Its to easy to pull out the microscope and over think it all…

You both are currently on your "Fck Tour". Can you tell us a little bit about what it's been like to travel around the country, the best part of touring and what the experience has been like?
Traveling to new cities is amazing… Its so cool to meet different ppl and every place seems to have a different taste for partying and music. Being from the North East it gives a whole new outlook on what ppl are listening to and so on. That being said, we spend most our time in airports, which sucks, so while we do travel, at this point its mostly business so we don’t get to sight see a lot its mostly in and out…. But we absolutely love it, to see ppl in places we have never been but know our stuff, its cool as FCK!

Two weeks ago you played at the inaugural TomorrowWorld! Every EDM fans dream is to go to Tomorrowland/World but many, including me :(, don't have the money to go. What was it like actually being on stage and playing your music for thousands of people?!
Well first of we recommend everyone start saving, it is totally worth it! BUT from an experience stand point not only was the show just a milestone point in our career the whole festival itself taught us a lot. We got to meet artsits we look up to, see shows we hadn’t and play for an international crowd of music lovers. The vibes were perfect everyone was there to just let loose…. And we played 1230AM slot and to have ppl wake up after a crazy night and come see us perform was so special…

What makes a great show? In addition to that what has been you favorite city or show so far? (Besides TomorrowWorld)
A great show is a combination of so many things, from the crowds energy, the sound of in the club, how we are personally feeling, to the pressure of it… Great shows though just sort of happen, obviously you have those shows which you hope go great, but there have been plenty that just turned out to be great. Honestly besides TW, WebsterHall last weekend and that was our first 18+ in our hometown and it was so fun!

What is one thing you think the fans don't know or don't realize about what it is like to be a DJ? And are there any negatives to being a DJ?
That its not just about spinning records, or even producing.. You are creating a brand, which is no different than starting a business… So now your shit…. We learn new things everyday…

After you finish your tour in November, what is the next step for you guys?
To start another one hopefully hahah…

Where do you see yourself in twenty years?
We both agree we will prlly die around our 60’s so hopefully enjoying the last 20 years of our lives…

When it's all said and done, how do you want The Chainsmokers to be remembered?
In Gold!

Follow us: @EDMbeatsUSA

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